These Sticks Have Value

5 films in this block • 60 minutes

The Films

I've Decided These Sticks Have Value

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 3 min
  • Director Erik Sudheimer

World Premiere, Staff Pick

An examination of how two small sticks, randomly acquired in Minnesota’s north woods, have slowly transformed into treasured possessions.

The Last Barf Bag

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 14 min

Family Friendly

“The Last Barf Bag” is a documentary that explores the cultural impact of a humble but crucially useful invention. In it, we meet the barf bag collectors whose passion drives them to try to save it from extinction, and their unlikely ally: the makers of the anti-nausea medication that threatens its existence.

Into the Sugarbush

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 4 min
  • Director Eden Sabalboro

Family Friendly

Step into the US’s largest urban sugarbush in Detroit’s sprawling Rouge Park with the Detroit Sugarbush Project.

Money Tree

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 10 min
  • Director Kate Houle

Filmmaker in Attendance, World Premiere

What’s a tree worth? From the point of view of a city forester, an ecologist, a firewood harvesting hobbyist, a professor and a philanthropist, we learn about the different relationships people have with their urban forest. Money Tree explores the tangible and intangible values and the importance of this urban biodiversity that often goes unnoticed.

The Shitthropocene

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 29 min
  • Director David Byars

Adult Language, Michigan Premiere, Staff Pick

The Shit-thropocene (a play on the word, Anthropocene) is a mock-anthropological investigation into consumerism. Join us on a journey that spans billions of years to piece together how and why it seems that everything has gone to shit.