Love Stories 2!

4 films in this block • 59 minutes

The Films

In Waves: 20 years of Sleeping Bear Surf

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 4 min
  • Director Mike King

Filmmaker in Attendance, Subject in Attendance, Staff Pick

‘In Waves’ gives us a glimpse into the joy that has cultivated a culture of Great Lakes connection. In 2004, visionary Beryl Skrocki founded Sleeping Bear Surf with a dream of sharing the potential for freshwater play. Now, 20 years later, her legacy lives on.

The Careist

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 10 min
  • Director Matthew Boyd

Michigan Premiere, Staff Pick

Between the Ohio and Mississippi riverbanks sit the United States’ 15th International Wetland of Importance. Yet, the wetlands today are mere remnants of their original borders. Max Hutchison is a naturalist, ecologist, zoologist, and lifelong voice for preserving the wetlands he also calls home. The Careist is an ode to Max, a way of life, and a natural area long overlooked and daring to disappear forever.

Broken Flight

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 18 min
  • Director Erika Valenciana; Mitchell Wenkus

Filmmaker in Attendance, Michigan Premiere, Has Subtitles

Migration season is when the Chicago Collision Bird Monitors are the busiest, looking for birds that have flown into windows, as Mother Nature literally slams into the urban environment. Broken Flight introduces us to the volunteers, scientists and veterinarians who rescue, study and catalog these amazing avian species.

Cycling Without Age

  • Year 2024
  • Country USA
  • Runtime 27 min
  • Director Isaac Seigel-Boettner

Has Subtitles, Michigan Premiere, Staff Pick

This is a story about the power of feeling wind in your hair, no matter where you are on life’s journey. John is a retired school teacher who uses his pedal-powered rickshaw to give adventures to people who have lost the ability to get outside themselves. Through the intimate moments of these rides, _Cycling Without Age _explores the importance of the outdoors for those who are all too often trapped inside.