Thursday, Oct 17 5:00PM
Ticket Options
4 days • 6 film venues • 15 outdoor tours • 80+ films • 25 hours of content • Endless inspiration
2024 Staff Picks
The Fresh Coast Film Festival is the first of its kind: a documentary film festival celebrating the outdoor lifestyle, water-rich environment and resilient spirit of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest. The festival will gather the best in environmental and cultural filmmaking from around the world while creating a venue for, and building a culture of, Great Lakes storytelling.
Get Involved
Submit A Film
We're looking for outdoor and adventure films based in the Midwest. Learn more about our submission process.
Whether you'd like to be in the opening credits, have a banner at the film, or bring your own ideas, we have many sponsorship partnerships available.
We couldn't make all this happen without the help of many volunteers. We're looking for enthusiastic people to help sell tickets, coordinate events, and spread the good word.